How can agencies take advantage of amazon A+ content?

E-commerce, standing out in Amazon’s bustling marketplace, is crucial for success. One powerful tool savvy sellers and brands leverage is Amazon A+ Content. This enhanced product description feature allows sellers to showcase their products with rich media and detailed information, ultimately driving conversions and boosting sales. Formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content, A+ Content enables brand-registered sellers to modify product descriptions of branded ASINs. This feature allows for the inclusion of enhanced images, text placements, and even comparison charts, creating a more informative product detail page.

Impact of A+ content

Implementing A+ Content can significantly impact a product’s performance on Amazon. Studies have shown that well-crafted A+ Content can increase conversion rates by 3-10% on average. This conversion boost can make a substantial difference in the competitive Amazon landscape, where every advantage counts.

Agency best practices for amazon A+ content

  1. Develop a cohesive brand story

As an Amazon FBA agency, your primary goal should be to help clients craft a compelling brand narrative. A+ Content provides the perfect canvas to tell this story. Encourage clients to share their brand’s history, values, and unique selling propositions. This narrative should be consistent across all product listings, creating a cohesive brand experience for shoppers.

  1. Prioritize visual appeal

The adage says, “A picture speaks a thousand words.” This is especially true on Amazon. High-quality, professional images are crucial for A+ Content success.

  • Use lifestyle images showing the product in use
  • Create infographics highlighting key features and benefits
  • Develop comparison charts for product lines
  • Incorporate brand imagery that reinforces the overall narrative
  1. Optimize for mobile

With an increasing number of Amazon shoppers using mobile devices, optimizing A+ Content for mobile viewing is crucial.

  • Using clear, concise text that’s easily readable on smaller screens
  • Choosing images that scale well and remain clear on mobile devices
  • Avoiding overcrowded layouts that may become cluttered on smartphones
  1. Focus on benefits, not just features

While it’s important to highlight a product’s features, the most effective A+ Content goes beyond mere specifications. Agencies should guide clients in articulating how features translate into tangible benefits for the customer. This approach helps shoppers envision how the product will improve their lives, making purchasing decisions easier.

  1. Leverage comparison charts

For brands with multiple product variants or complementary items, comparison charts are invaluable. These charts allow customers to easily see the differences between products, potentially increasing average order value by encouraging multi-item purchases.

  1. Address common questions and concerns

Anticipating and addressing customer questions within the A+ Content can reduce hesitation and boost confidence in the purchase. The amazon experts suggest incorporating FAQ sections or dedicating modules to addressing common concerns about the product or its use.

  1. Maintain consistency across listings

For brands with multiple products, maintaining consistency in design across all A+ Content is crucial. This consistency reinforces brand identity and helps customers easily navigate between different products from the same brand.

  1. Regularly update and test content

The e-commerce landscape is ever-changing, and what works today may be less effective tomorrow. Agencies should implement a system for regularly reviewing and updating A+ Content.

  • A/B testing different layouts and content styles
  • Updating information based on customer feedback and questions
  • Refreshing content to align with seasonal trends or new product features

While A+ Content doesn’t directly impact search rankings, it can indirectly boost SEO by increasing conversion rates and sales velocity. Agencies should work with clients to incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the content, enhancing overall discoverability. Integrating social proof elements, such as awards, certifications, or notable press mentions, can significantly boost credibility. Agencies should encourage clients to promulgate these trust signals within their A+ Content.