How are MCQs Helpful for Class 10 English CBSE Exams?


The CBSE board exam for class 10 is a stepping stone for a child’s future. Every subject has equal weightage, and it is critical to do well in all disciplines, especially English. If you score low in English, it will reduce your overall percentage and affect your stream choices in Class 11.

English MCQs can help you prepare for the boards and help with planning and solving all the questions in the three-hour exam. ‘Practice makes perfect,’ as the phrase goes, and this has never been more relevant than for the English exam. 

How are MCQs Helpful for Class 10 English CBSE Exams?

1. Understanding the Syllabus

Understanding the English curriculum is the first step toward performing well on exams. This will offer you a clear idea of the relevance of various chapters and their significance. Solving light MCQ class 10 and other chapters MCQ offer an advantage when studying for the exam.

2. Time Management

The more English MCQs students solve, the faster they will solve questions, and the accuracy of their responses will improve. With consistent practice, the number of errors decreases and the probability of earning good grades increases.

3. Thorough Knowledge of the Paper Pattern

The students become acquainted with the MCQ-type questions. As a result, students can recognise their strengths and flaws. So they know where to focus more and learn about their shortcomings. 

4. Helps to Enhance Self Confidence 

The key to getting good grades is to be self-assured. Even if you are fully prepared, you may struggle to perform effectively owing to a lack of confidence. MCQs can assist you in analysing your strengths and limitations, allowing you to focus on your weakest areas and devote more time to improve. When you begin to feel competent in areas where you previously lacked understanding, you become more confident, which allows you to do better throughout the exam.

5. Improves Speed and Accuracy 

When studying for examinations, speed and accuracy are equally important. You must answer all the questions in three hours, which requires tremendous practice. As a result, practising MCQs will improve your speed of accurate thinking and solving even tough questions under pressure. With constant practice, the precision of your answers improves, allowing you to score higher. This is critical as most students experience difficulty in recalling the correct answer in a stressful atmosphere.


MCQs assist students in scoring high scores, gaining knowledge and complying with the Board Examination standards. It is advised to solve MCQ for class 10 science and other subjects to perform well in your exams. Students can make the most of it and score well in the examination as the MCQs for Class 10 English are a helpful resource for students to practice, self-assessments, knowledgeable guides and more.


1. How can English MCQs for class 10 assist students in preparing for exams?

The CBSE class 10 MCQs are intended to help learners acknowledge the importance of studying for examinations. The goal is to provide enough practice to students who want to do well in their board exams.

2. Why should students try to solve MCQs?

Students should solve the CBSE Class 10 MCQs to improve their grammatical and literature knowledge, which will help them improve their ability to respond accurately to the MCQs.